One of the major concerns for any party in a disputed matter is the question of costs and funding. It is important that we set out the options for you and we will be open with you about the likely fees and possibilities of funding. You may have legal expenses cover within your home insurance, car insurance, as part of another financial product, through your employer or through membership of a professional organisation.
Our general approach is that we charge by the time spent on a matter though we can agree fixed fees on certain matters or for certain pieces of work. In our estimates we break down costs for the different stages of a matter and we ordinarily request a payment on account. We will provide you with regular costs updates so you know what work has been undertaken and when. We will keep your case under review and update you with costs estimates changes where developments occur which alter the estimate.
Our Hourly Rates
Thomas Hulme LLB (Hons), LLM
Thomas was admitted as a Solicitor in 2010 having completed the QLTT after the BVC at the Inns of Court School of Law in 2002, he was called to the Bar in 2006. He completed his LLB (Hons) at University of Sussex in 1999 and his LLM at University of Manchester in 2006.
Thomas is a Grade A Solicitor, he has undertaken thousands of general civil, family, property, insolvency, and GMC and Regulatory matters in more than 15 years of litigation experience.
His usual hourly rate is £250 excluding any applicable VAT. The rate is variable and subject to agreement.
Sheila Aly
2002 and completed her Pupillage with Littleton Chambers in 2004. Sheila completed her LLB in 2001, she is a CEDR Accredited Commercial Mediator and Mediation Trainer, ADR Group accredited Family Mediator and PMR Ltd Accredited Workplace Mediator.
Sheila has undertaken thousands of general civil, criminal, family, GMC and Regulatory matters.
Her hourly rate is ordinarily £250 per hour excluding any applicable VAT. The rate is variable and subject to agreement
Paralegal Work
Where we have a paralegal work on your case we will charge their time at £80 per hour.
GMC & MPTS Fitness to Practice Matters
We offer a free telephone, video or in person first consultation on your matter. Usually this will be a between 30 to 45 minutes and it is likely we can provide some preliminary advice on your matter at the end of the free consultation.
The nature of the investigation and the approach the GMC adopt renders general costs predictions somewhat variable. For example where there is a short simple investigation stopping during the Rule 4 investigation with a quickly agreed outcome time costs will only be in the hundreds of pounds. At the other end of the spectrum where the investigation proceeds over many months and there is a long complicated MPTS Tribunal Hearing to attend the costs will be in the tens of thousands of pounds. Costs also vary depending at what stage we receive instruction from you.

Our work in the first few weeks will involve taking full instructions from you on the facts and advising on any response. In a straightforward case we would suggest this is likely to be a few hundred pounds only. Where the facts are complicated and reports are sought by the GMC then it is likely that no reply from you will be imminently required.
If however there is an Interim Orders Tribunal Hearing because either conditions or suspension is sought by the GMC then we will need to prepare documentation and fees are likely to be around £1,000.It will also require representation at the hearing and either we can attend or counsel can be instructed. Counsel fees depend on seniority and so fees could be as low as £800 (we would not advise too junior a barrister) or several thousand pounds.
In very general terms where you have instructed us at the outset of the investigation on a ‘simple case’ with few uncontested facts, for example one involving a caution, but the investigation proceeds past a Rule 7 Letter and there is a full MPTS hearing where all stages of the hearing (facts, impairment, and sanction) are determined costs are likely to be between £5,000 to £12,000. This fee would include all conferences and advice with you, liaising with the GMC, attending any Case management hearing, drafting your witness statement and representation at the MPTS Hearing. Where you instruct us on a ‘medium complexity case’ through all stages as outlined on a ‘simple case’ costs are likely to be in the region of £15,000 to £25,000 and ‘complex cases’ £25,000 to £75,000. In medium and complex cases there may be preliminary or legal arguments to draft, more witnesses or experts and instructing senior counsel will increase fees.
A run of the mill Review Hearing will usually require evidence in relation to the remediation and issues following the fitness to practice hearing and attendance at the hearing. On occasion there can be little to prepare and agreement in which event our fees would be in the hundreds of pounds and even in more complex cases costs should be in the region of £1,000 to £2,000. Counsel fees or representation fees will vary depending upon the seniority of counsel but could be between £800 to several thousand pounds.
Family Matters
Agreeing and drafting the Divorce petition where there are no likely objections and neither are there disputes as to the validity of the marriage will ordinarily incur fees of approximately £200. Please note that the Court charge to issue the application and the fee is £593 (the Courts do change this fee and we will advise you of the fee at the time you instruct us).
Costs on straightforward matters concerning children arrangements where there are no jurisdictional issues vary depending on the number of hearings required for any matter. We would generally suggest that our fees are likely to be between £800 and £2,400 for taking instructions and providing first advice, drafting application to Court and attending the first appointment hearing.

Please note that you may have to attend and pay for mediation before attending court. There is a Court fee of £232 payable to Court for issuing an application (the Courts do change this fee and we will advise you of the fee at the time you instruct us). Other fees may arise including if matters are agreed by a consent order. There is greater variance and fees increase where cases are complex. For example if there are jurisdictional issues, if a fact finding hearing is required and where there are issues regrading parentage.
Applications for financial orders vary greatly depending upon the complexity of your circumstances. Fees on simple cases where there are few assets, one owned home and an agreement reached around the time of the first hearing are likely to be a few thousand pounds. There is a Court Fee which is currently £275 for a contested hearing though a lower fee of £53 applies where early agreement is reached by a consent order (the Courts do change this fee and we will advise you of the fee at the time you instruct us). Medium complexity hearings are likely to be between £10,000 to £25,000 and very complex cases many more tens of thousands of pounds and particularly where a final hearing is required to determine the case.
Debt Recovery
These costs apply where your claim is in relation to an unpaid invoice which is not disputed and enforcement action is not needed. If the other party disputes your claim at any point, we will discuss any further work required and provide you with revised advice about costs if necessary, which could be on a fixed fee (e.g. if a one off letter is required), or an hourly rate if more extensive work is needed.
Debt Value | Court Fee | Our Fee | Total |
Does not exceed £300 | £35 | £150 | £185 |
Exceeds £300 but does not exceed £500 | £50 | £150 | £200 |
Exceeds £500 but does not exceed £1,000 | £70 | £150 | £220 |
Exceeds £1,000 but does not exceed £1,500 | £80 | £150 | £230 |
Exceeds £1,500 but does not exceed £3,000 | £115 | £150 | £265 |
Exceeds £3,000 but does not exceed £5,000 | £205 | £200 | £405 |
Exceeds £5,000 but does not exceed £10,000 | £455 | £300 | £755 |
Exceeds £10,000 but does not exceed £200,000 | 5% of the value of the claim | £1000 | TBC |
Exceeds £200,000 or is not limited | £10,000 | £2000 | £12,000 |
Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should note that:
- The VAT element of our fee cannot be reclaimed from your debtor.
- Interest and compensation may take the debt into a higher banding, with a higher cost.
- The costs quoted above are not for matters where enforcement action, such as the bailiff, is needed to collect your debt.
Our fee includes:
- Taking your instructions and reviewing documentation
- Undertaking appropriate searches
- Sending a letter before action
- Receiving payment and sending onto you, or if the debt is not paid, drafting and issuing claim
- Where no Acknowledgment of Service or Defence is received, applying to the court to enter Judgement in default
- When Judgement in default in received, write to the other side to request payment
- If payment is not received within 28 days, providing you with advice on next steps and likely costs
Matters usually take 28 days to several months from receipt of instructions from you to receipt of payment from the other side, depending on whether or not it is necessary to issue a claim. This is on the basis that the other side pays promptly on receipt of Judgement in default. If enforcement action is needed, the matter will take longer to resolve.