About Us
Welcome to Abbleys
Our clients come to us because they need intelligent, practical solutions to life’s most serious problems. Though litigation is our metier and we will implacably represent your best interests, we will first endeavour to resolve your problem swiftly, economically and without recourse to Court or Tribunal.
Our clients usually come to us on recommendation and our clients return to us to deal with other types of problems they may encounter. We firmly believe in the value of our work and we care deeply for our clients and obtaining the best outcomes.
Committed to Protecting what matters most.
We are the successor practice to Aly & Hulme Associates which was also a specialist litigation law firm. We have vast experience in dealing with all aspects of litigation and very significant advocacy experience. We therefore believe we offer a very high standard of protection based on years of knowledge and first-hand experience appearing before Judges.
Despite years of solemn litigation work, we are far from stuffy or staid. We aim to ensure you feel entirely comforted by speaking with us and to be friendly and approachable. We really have seen a lot of life and dealt with a lot of different problems. We give considered tailored advice no matter who you are or where you are from. Our family clients, doctor clients, employee clients, director clients and general citizenry have all received our careful attention based on deep experience. We are very sure to only look after those people who we know we can help and we will refer you elsewhere if your matter is outside our expertise. As our client you can be certain we are on your side and your matter will be given its best chance of success.